More than two years ago, the first robot extruders of CEAD were installed in the Netherlands. That first model, the E25, is a custom designed, high-temperature stand alone printhead dedicated for large scale 3D printing with a maximum output of 12 kg/hr .
The E25 is currently installed world wide: many universities such as ETH Zurich, University of Stuttgart and Tampere University integrated the printing head on a robotic arm. Also, many companies (like Rapid Prototyping) integrated the extruder on their existing CNC machine to start exploring 3D printing.
Our newest product: the E50
Though very satisfied with the E25 and its capabilities, the question for greater material output to print larger parts arose. As an answer to this question, we now launch a new model of the robot extruder: the E50. With the first test an output is measured of 84 kilograms/hour with PP30%GF (polypropylene reinforced with chopped glass fiber at 30% by weight) at 60% of its max speed. Nozzle sizes used for the E50 range from 8 to 20 millimeters in diameter.
The E50, just like the E25, is standardly delivered with the material transport, mounting bracket and Siemens PLC based control. It can be controlled by two signals – analog 0-10v and digital 0-24v – offering a robust system for a robotic arm or CNC gantry to control the extruder. However, using profinet is also an option.
With a reach of 400°C and 15 kW motor, this printhead is able to process the high performance fiber reinforced materials, such as carbon filled PESU and PEEK. An 400 Liter dryer for pellets fully integrated with the proprietary transport system is optional to the system.
Would you like more information or a quotation on the E50? Feel free to contact us!
Send an e-mail to or call us via +31(0)15 737 01 83